Итак 6, последняя в этом семестре:
-вводим данные используя int21h
-проводим вычисление формулы: a / b * (a - b)
-выводим результат через int21h
-выводим результат посредством прямого доступа к видеопамяти
.model small
.stack 100h
max db 7
len db ?
number db 7 dup (?)
mess_1 db 'Please, input your first number:$'
mess_2 db 0Dh,0Ah,'Please, input your second number:$'
result_msg db 0Dh,0Ah,'Result of the computation is: (number_1/number_2)*(number_1-number_2):$'
next_line dw 000A0h
number_1 dw ?
number_2 dw ?
result_number dw ?
result db 7 dup (?)
tmp dw 10
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,0003h ;clear screen
int 10h
push 0B800h ;initialize es
pop es
mov ah,9 ;output 1st message
lea dx,mess_1
int 21h
lea dx,max ;convert to a number
mov di,dx
call input
mov number_1,ax
mov ah,9 ;output 2d message
lea dx,mess_2
int 21h
lea dx,max
mov di,dx
call input ;convert to a number
mov number_2,ax
mov ah,9 ;output the result message
lea dx,result_msg
int 21h
mov ax,number_1
mov bx,number_2
idiv bx
push ax
mov ax,number_1
sub ax,number_2
pop bx
imul bx
mov result_number,ax
call int_to_str
mov ah,9
lea dx,result
int 21h
mov ax,next_line ;output result on next line with another color
mov bx,3
mul bx
mov di,ax
lea si,result
call print_str
xor ah,ah ;waiting until pressed any key
int 16h
mov ax,4c00h ;exit code
int 21h
print_str proc
next: ;input: DI - start point
cmp al,'$'
jz exit
mov ah,10b
jmp next
print_str endp
str_to_int proc
; procedure that converts string into the number
; input: DI - offset of string
; BH = 1 - there is a sign in the number (- or +)
; BH = 0 - there is a number without '-' or '+'
; BL = 1 - number > 0
; BL = 0 - number < 0
push di
push cx
xor cx,cx
add di,2 ; di - offset of string
cmp bh,1 ; if the number with '-' or '+', then we adding to di number 1
jne skip_ ; else skip
add di,1
mov cl,byte ptr [di-2] ;cl - counter
dec cl
jmp skip_s
mov cl,byte ptr [di-1]
xor ax,ax
push bx
xor bx,bx
mov bl,byte ptr [di] ;convertion string->number, offset di
sub bl,30h
mul tmp
add ax,bx
inc di
loop n1
pop bx
or bl,bl ; checking the range
jnz skip_plus
cmp ax,7FFFh ; if number>0, then range is 0 .. 32767
ja error_sti ; if result > 7FFFh, then error
jmp exit_sti ; exit
cmp ax,8000h ; if number<0, then range is 0 .. 32768
ja error_sti ; if result > 7FFFh, then error
neg ax
jmp exit_sti ; exit
mov bx,0FFFFh ; bx = FFFFh, procedure error
pop cx
pop di
str_to_int endp
int_to_str proc
; convertion of the number to the string
; input: AX - number
; output: result - string's buffer
push cx
push bx
push di
push si
xor si,si
cmp ax,7FFFh
jna convert_plus
mov byte ptr result[si],'-'
inc si
neg ax
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
div tmp
add dx,30h
push dx
inc cx
cmp ax,0
jne nn
pop ax
mov byte ptr result[si],al
inc si
loop pp
mov byte ptr result[si],'$'
pop si
pop di
pop bx
pop cx
int_to_str endp
input proc
mov ah,0Ah
int 21h
xor bx,bx
cmp byte ptr [di+2],2dh
jne not_neg
mov bh,1
mov bl,1
cmp byte ptr [di+2],2bh
jne call_proc
mov bh,1
mov bl,0
call str_to_int
input endp
end begin